sweet spot the ideal dosage of CBD

CBD Dosage and Finding the 'Sweet Spot'

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The 'sweet spot' is a term given to the ideal dosage of CBD necessary to feel benefits for an individual.

When it comes to CBD and finding the dosage necessary to provide any relief, there is no standard dose.

Since CBD is relatively new to the market and scientific research has just touched the surface with regards to its benefits, we are left with recommendations from online sources, manufacturers, and friends or family that have experience with CBD products.

The FDA has not yet released any RDI (recommended daily intake) guidelines regarding CBD.

It is only recently that the FDA announced the first CBD product to have the distinction of being GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe).

Each person differs when it comes to how we respond to various supplements. Your anatomy, tolerance, and diet are invariably unique and individual.

So, we are left to our own devices when it comes to finding the best CBD dosage, which can be a daunting task when there is no official source of information to use as a reference.

Finding the ideal CBD dosage requires a starting point and slowly adjusting along the way until a 'sweet spot' is found.

Your 'sweet spot' is the exact amount of CBD to take each day that provides you with the relief you desire without producing any adverse symptoms or side effects.

Starting Point

Create a starting point for finding the right dosage for you by looking at your body weight. It makes sense that the more you weigh, the higher likelihood that you will require more than someone that is on the lighter side to feel the effects of CBD. 

Women, generally need less CBD because they are smaller than men. As with many things, less is more. Start low and adjust slowly based on desired results. 

Before you begin, write down on a piece of paper on how you feel.

Use a scale from 0-10. For example, what is your anxiety level? 0 would be you have no anxiety to a ten, which is the highest amount of stress you could feel.

Ask yourself a few questions designed explicitly regarding the issue you're trying to address, like what level of pain do I feel, how much discomfort I am having, etc.

Is it Possible to Build Up a Tolerance to CBD?

Although research has concluded that long-term marijuana use can lead to tolerance, CBD could have the opposite effect.

Scientific research and studies of CBD products suggest that it is unlikely that you can develop a tolerance to CBD. Much the opposite; long term use could lead to reverse tolerance.

'Reverse tolerance' is a phrase describing the phenomenon in which somebody requires less of a substance to achieve its desired effects the more frequently it is taken.

Therefore, if consumed regularly, CBD users could find relief from their symptoms with decreased doses.

CBD is one of over 100 phytocannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. Phytocannabinoids are similar in chemical structure to endocannabinoids that are naturally produced inside our bodies.

CBD stimulates CB1 and CB2 receptors, located with our endocannabinoid systems (ECS). When these receptors are stimulated, they promote balance and regulation (homeostasis) throughout our nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems.

Although more research is required, it is thought that CBD indirectly activates our cannabis receptors without binding to them. This increases the number of endocannabinoids naturally produced inside our bodies. 

The more endocannabinoids that the body produces, the less CBD oil you may require.

Currently, the research surrounding reverse tolerance and CBD oil is still in its infancy. However, anecdotal evidence and personal experimentation are great resources covering this topic.

CBD Side Effects

Although CBD has very few proven side-effects, we recommend starting with a low dosage to test your initial tolerance. If you gradually increase the dosage over time, you're likely to reach a dose where the effects start to plateau. Once you've reached this level of tolerance, try slowly reducing your dosage.

Currently, there's minimal research surrounding the long-term effects of CBD oil use; existing studies have shown promising results concerning CBD's safety and efficacy. CBD oil is considered to present minimal negative side- effects and no risk for addiction.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated: 

"CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile."

There is plenty of evidence that suggests that CBD oil could be a safer, more effective way to alleviate many conditions that require long-term medical treatment, such as depression and chronic pain.

For more information about dosing CBD, side-effects, or finding your 'sweet spot', click here to contact the Enecta support team today.


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