Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands which could be contrasted by CBD

The 5 possible benefits of CBD (Cannabidiol)

Table of Contents

CBD is a molecule with very interesting characteristics, with the support of the conducted studies, we will analyse five fields in which cannabidiol would show to be effective.


1 - Insomnia

CBD due to its neuroprotectant potential, based on the combination of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, could reveal useful, for example, in contrasting insomnia.

A study published in 2017 “Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Sleep: a Review of the Literature”, demonstrates how cannabidiol (CBD) could have a therapeutic potential in favouring good quality of sleep.

Sleep latency is ‘measured’ by a  test, which takes place an hour and a half, three hours after nocturnal sleep, in which the patient, in a quiet, dark environment with a constant temperature, is invited to fall asleep four - five times at a two hour interval.

The test is concluded 15 minutes after the patients falls asleep or after having tried for 20 minutes to fall asleep without succeeding. Sleep latency, reproduced several times, below 5 minutes is pathological, between 5 and 10 minutes is within the limit values.

“Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can reduce sleep latency, but also compromises the quality of sleep in the long-term”.

2 - Acne 

Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands which could be contrasted by CBD.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation entitled “Cannabidiol exerts sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effects on human sebocytes” cannabidiol would contribute to the decrease of sebum production which leads to acne, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

3 - Epilepsy

CBD is an important ally with which to fight epilepsy, especially in cases of drug-resistant children.

“Numerous scientific studies have been carried out on CBD, and with more than well-founded reasons –  Professor Pasquale Striano states, Doctor in Paediatric Neurology and Muscular Affections at the ”G.Gaslini” in Genoa – It has been demonstrated in several occasions, both anecdotally and clinically, that positive effects on a wide range of health conditions exist. One of the medical fields in which CBD shows to have the best results are related to cases of epilepsy, in its most severe form.

In the United Stated, the first medical drug created with cannabis extracts has been approved, with which it will be possible to treat some forms of epilepsy.

4 - Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronical inflammation of the skin, not contagious and not infectious.

Usually psoriasis manifests itself as areas with rash, characterized by red patches with silvery scales, caused by an abnormal thickening of the corneous layer of the skin.

The areas of the body which in general are mostly affected are elbows, knees, hands, tailbone, scalp and feet.

The causes can be linked to factors like genetics or can be environmental, can regard emotional and physical aspects, in certain cases also caused by the use of medical drugs. A lifestyle characterized by smoking, alcohol, obesity, stress and an improper diet certainly favours psoriasis.

Enecta has gathered testimonies on the topic, like the one of Francesca V., who has found relief with Premium Hemp Extract 10%

“I did quite some research and in particular on CBD and its benefits – Francesca tells us – and I decided to try it. Following the advice a friend of, I used Premium Hemp Extract 10%”. 

"The Oil has been able to alleviate the problem, contrary to the cortisone creams, which I got prescribed up to that moment”. 

“A problem creating anxiety in me for a long period, both physically and mentally – Francesca ends her story – and I cannot thank Enecta enough for having created this products, allowing me to obtain this extraordinary result”.


5 - Bone fractures

According to data emerged from a study conducted in 2015 by the Bone Laboratory of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, involving mice with femoral fractures, CBD would support an increased recovery of the biomechanical characteristics of the bones after a therapy of eight weeks.  

The Study of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Cannabidiol, a Major Non-Psychotropic Cannabis Constituent Enhances Fracture Healing and Stimulates Lysyl Hydroxylase Activity in Osteoblasts” is the title of the publication in which it is demonstrated how “the main non-psychotropic constituent of cannabis is cannabidiol (CBD)".
During the eight weeks of research, the mice were divided by groups and treated with different kinds of therapies.   

A first group was treated with CBD and THC, the two cannabinoids working in synergy, but did not show significant results in the improvement of bone fractures.

According to the researchers the most interesting results were obtained when CBD acting “alone” was observed.

“..cannabidiol (CBD), improves the biomechanical properties of healing mid-femoral fractures in rats. The maximal load and work-to-failure, but not the stiffness, of femurs of rats treated with a mixture of CBD and THC for 8 weeks, were markedly increased by CBD”.

CBD proves effective in enhancing crosslinking collagen, a very important protein, permitting improvement of the biomechanical properties of the callus, forming itself after fracture repair.

The mice, divided in three groups, demonstrated promising ‘general’ results, as the researchers discovered how CBD could increase the mRNA levels of lysine hydroxylation, which is involved in the formation of  bridging across the fracture gap. Hence, Cannabidiol would have a beneficial effect not only on the specific fracture but also on other components of the organism. 

Cannabinoids and contrasting pain in bone diseases

Arthritis is a bone pathology, which literally means “painful joints”. It can have different forms and features and is a term with which a macro-category is indicated in which over 200 diseases exist.  

A study conducted at the Oxford Science Park, published in Rheumatology in 2005 examined patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis, to whom a Cannabis extract was administered containing mainly THC and CBD.

After five weeks of treatment the patients reported a significant improvement with regards to pain and mobility and, in addition, a significant improvement in the quality of sleep.

A more recent study, “The non-psychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis” assesses the role of CBD in the treatment of this pathology. Taken orally, Cannabidiol would contribute to soothing pain caused by Arthritis. 
“The dosage showed a bell-shaped curve, with an optimum effect at 25mg / kg daily, orally. The clinical improvement has been associated with the protection of the joints against severe damage”.

CBD, due to its combined immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory actions, has a strong anti-arthritic effect.


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