Quality CBD oil: which criteria to examine

Quality CBD oil: which criteria to examine in order to make the right choice?

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How is a quality CBD oil created? How can we recognize it?

In recent years the market related to hemp has experienced a true boom. Among the various products that can be found on the market today, it is possible to choose from a wide range of CBD oils, of different types and in various gradations.
At the core of this growing interest, we can find cannabidiol, the non-psychotropic active principle of the cannabis plant, to which, more and more each day, specific effects and properties are attributed, which make it useful in a multitude of sectors.

All the more, before proceeding with a purchase, each individual should be correctly informed about the methods with which a CBD oil is produced,  about its properties, its origin, its quality and, lastly, about the best ways of utilisation.

Quality CBD oil: which criteria to examine in order to make the right choice

How CBD oil is produced

For the production of CBD oil, the varieties of cannabis used are those listed in the European Community Register and permitted for cultivation with industrial purposes.

We are talking about cannabis with a low THC content (always below 0.2% as per the limits required by the Italian law). Enecta follows a production process respecting a series of very precise standard quality requirements; our cannabis is cultivated in accordance with the most recent guide lines providing the principles guaranteeing a quality product, starting from cultivation up to sales: from the beginning to the end of the production chain.

The plants are monitored in order to assess the quantity of cannabinoids they contain and to be able to decide, consequently, the ideal moment of harvesting. Subsequently, the plants harvested are stored in accordance with a series of requirements which are respected also during the drying process, in order to prevent the formation of moulds and bacteria, which could be determined by the conservation of the products with an incorrect moisture level.  

Finally, the plants are shredded and, subsequently, passed through an extraction site. The extraction site produces an extract from which THC has been removed by means of a separation process and this extract, in turn, is monitored in order to assess the quality, the quantity and the microbiological characteristics of the cannabinoids. When also these analyses are carried out, the extract is diluted with hemp seed oil. The solutions in hemp oil allow to obtain the various types of hemp oils present on the market. Enecta proposes CBD oils in which the initial extract is diluted to  3%, 10% and 24%.


Why is it important to select a quality oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) hasn’t got any psychotropic effects and has a completely safe profile. However, it is always wise to use a high quality CBD oil, of which the production has followed each safety protocol meticulously. The reasons to prefer a quality oil are many. First of all, it is the right thing to do to choose a product which has been made from organic cultivations and, preferably, local ones and which guarantee the absence of residues of pesticides or heavy metals. As the case may be, it is always better to opt for a full spectrum product as well, in which also the other plant substances are present, among which terpenes. Secondly, it is preferable to opt for a CBD oil certifying in an exact manner how much cannabidiol is present in the product. If on the one hand there are individuals using CBD oil occasionally, on the other hand, there are those taking it to complement a medical treatment. It his hence necessary that the product presents extremely precise indications on the quality and on the quantity of the active principle. Only in this way each individual will be able to take the exact quantity of the oil.   


CBD oil: different concentrations for different uses

CBD oil is used for many different purposes. Some prefer to take a couple of drops after a long day of work, in order to alleviate a slight anxiety state or improve sleep. Some people, instead, use the oil for self-medication, in case of a small muscular trauma or a migraine, due to its indirect action on inflammatory states. Others use CBD products to complement a medical treatment, like in the case of epilepsy or psoriasis. According to the personal needs of each individual, CBD oil can be found in different concentrations. We are talking about cold pressed hemp seed oil containing cannabidiol (CBD), terpenes, vitamin E and other hemp molecules naturally present in the extract.

Each bottle contains 10 ml and is available in three different cannabidiol (CBD) concentrations. Hence, in our Premium Hemp Extract 3%,  300 mgs of CBD are present, in Premium Hemp Extract 10%, instead, 1000 mgs of CBD can be found, while in Premium Hemp Extract 24% there are 2400 mgs. The only difference is the concentration.

According to the needs, some prefer to take 3 drops of the 10% CBD oil, while some prefer to take 10 drops of out 3% CBD oil. What changes is the enjoyability of the intake. The modalities of use are very different and allow to satisfy whichever need, both of those desiring to mitigate a slight anxiety state and of those needing to soothe chronic pain.  


How to intake CBD oil?


Enecta Quality

In 2018 the Observatorio Español de Cannabis Medicinal – OECM coordinated an analytical study of cannabis oils containing cannabidiol (CBD) currently available on the market. The lab analyses conducted by the Narcotics Analysis Unit of the Public Health Laboratory of Madrid, aimed at assessing the actual quality of the products on sale, by verifying in each of them the quantity of active principles (cannabidiol CBD and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol THC) and of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid THCA and cannabidiolic acid CBDA. In addition, the research also investigated the possible presence of contaminants like metals or pesticides. The CBD oil produced by Enecta resulted to be one of the products indicating on the packaging the exact concentration of CBD present in the product. Moreover, Enecta CBD oil resulted to be free of pesticides and metals, as well as being regularly traceable.

The result isn’t surprising. Enecta products are made with a particular attention to all phases of the production chain, starting, in fact, from the lands themselves, which are all organic and certified. Moreover, on the  farmlands intensive exploitation is avoided and the natural cycle of the hemp plant is respected, without any forced intervention.

Enecta guarantees quality and controls on the entire production chain, starting from cultivation. The hemp from which the Enecta products are extracted, grows in Italy on lands cultivated without the use of pesticides or herbicides. Varieties best adapted to the extraction of CBD are used, native species which for generations have been grown and selected in order to be able to offer the widest possible molecular spectrum and excellent yields in terms of quality and quantity.


The ultimate guide to CBD oil

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