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10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en
10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en
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10% CBD Oil

Our clients’ first choice

The 10% Premium CBD Oil with 1000 mg of CBD, is a true assurance, and contains all the best properties that a high-quality CBD oil must have:

  • It is extracted following pharmaceutical standards
  • It is tested and certified in third party laboratories, to ensure its maximum safety
  • It is produced in Italy, from Cannabis Sativa L. plants grown without the use of pesticides

Thanks to its CBD concentration (10%), it is practical and versatile and it allows us to easily find the right dosage of CBD.

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Instead of dispobale cigarettes, enjoy your vape with the right ecig and the right flavour.

Today is a sunny day!

So far is still rare to see a vaper around.
Mostly You can see a first timer with a disposable ecig.
Don't Get me wrong disposable are a good thing, I have my array of disposable as well , for when I get bored of the taste that is loaded in my PV ( personal vaporizer ).
But you know you can have so much more satisfaction from your vape if you just have the right ecig and the right flavour.When the vapor is good you don't miss the cigarette smelly smoke at all! 
That's how I experience it at least :) 
Next week we will have a new stock coming and I'm super excited! 
Anyway ... Flavour is the KING! 






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Test 4

LeanLancer UG


LeanLancer UG


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