Nicotine dependence, being a smoker, exposes to an enormous amount of health risks. It is also for this reason that many people eager to stop smoking and willing to fight nicotine dependence, make the choice to use electronic cigarettes and “vape” e-liquids which are free of carcinogenic substances like nicotine.
The electronic cigarette, in fact, allows to maintain the typical gestures of smoking a cigarette in absence of combustion.
Cannabidiol: the alternative to help you quit smoking.
The range of vaping liquids is very wide, but in recent times the liquids containing cannabidiol (CBD), one of the many active principles of the cannabis plant, has come into the limelight.
CBD extracted from Cannabis Sativa plants and taken by means of the electronic cigarette can help to fight the dependence on a harmful substance like nicotine.
Against nicotine dependence
The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco consumption is globally responsible for the death of almost 6 million people each year. In Italy, it is estimated that the smoke of cigars, pipes and cigarettes kills between 70 000 and 83 000 people a year. Over a quarter of these deaths involves individuals between the ages of 35 and 65.
Today, according to the 2019 Report on smoking, edited and published by the “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (Italian Health Institute) there are 11.6 million smokers in Italy.
These figures are still far too high and have a huge social impact.
Nicotine dependence is the main obstacle for quitting smoking, but an important role is also played by psychological and social factors. Cannabidiol (CBD) can become a valid ally for all those individuals wanting to stop with the unhealthy habit of smoking
CBD versus nicotine
The benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) on the endocannabinoid system are increasingly discussed and the scientific results are promising. In recent times, products containing CBD like oils, crystals or e-liquids for electronic cigarettes, have become a valid alternative to smoking cigarettes.
Cannabidiol can be “vaporised” in different forms, while maintaining the gestures of cigarette smoking and dismissing nicotine once and for all.
E-liquids with CBD
E-liquids are the most classic “refills” for electronic cigarettes. The liquids containing CBD, however, do not contain any trace of nicotine while still giving the sensation of smoking.
The total absence of nicotine is one of the key points of the Enecta cbd liquids for the electronic cigarette. Moreover, they can be purchased in various aromas and cannabidiol concentrations, in order to meet with the specific requirements of each and every individual.

CBD Crystals and oil for vaporising
Cannabidiol crystals or CBD oil? The choice should consider many factors, but, the main factor is personal preference.
The important thing regarding both options, is the use of a vaporizer able to host both liquids and dry herbs or dry products.
This seems a very obvious detail in the case of CBD oil, but it isn't when it comes to crystals. The latter, in fact, melt and become liquid, when the ideal temperature of 160/180° C has been reached.
Why use CBD to quit smoking?
Cannabidiol offers various benefits for our health and has got an excellent safety profile. Enecta CBD products are prepared with extreme care, starting from the harvesting of the raw materials, in order to guarantee products free of heavy metals, pesticides or any other harmful substances. Also, cannabidiol has given a surprising result in a study performed in 2013 which had exactly the aim of investigating its effectiveness in allowing to abandon cigarette smoking. The study, conducted by researchers of the University College of London, highlighted how a group of smokers eager to quit smoking and who had been given CBD, had reduced the consumption of cigarettes by a 40%, compared to the control group receiving a placebo. These are preliminary results, but for now, cannabidiol is presenting itself as an extremely valid alternative to the cigarette: a support for those who want to give up smoking once and for all.