Oils, Capsules and Crystals. The forms of CBD - Enecta.en

Oils, Capsules and Crystals. The forms of CBD

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In today’s article we will talk about cannabidiol, better known as CBD, and about the different forms in which it is possible to consume it and find it on the market of cannabis extracts.

We will briefly introduce the properties and benefits of CBD, directing you to various articles talking about how cannabidiol can be of support in different pathologies.

If you desire to skip this part, click here to arrive directly to the discovery of the forms of CBD.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, better known with the acronym CBD, is one of more than 80 cannabinoids the scientific community, up to today, has identified in Cannabis.  

CBD was isolated for the first time in the Forties by a group of researchers of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois.

Along with THC, CBD is the best-known molecule and, with respect to tetrahydrocannabinol, it differs from THC in a distinct way, due to the fact that it hasn’t got psychotropic effects.

And it was due to this characteristic that it was brought into the limelight of public attention, guaranteeing a wide range of consumers the possibility to avail themselves of its benefits without risking adverse side effects.  

Which are the properties of CBD?

The interest in CBD by the scientific community, commenced with the first studies highlighting its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuroprotectant properties.

Vincenzo Di Marzio is one of the main representatives in the world of cannabinoid research. 

Together with his research team he discovered how in an animal model it was possible to significantly slow down the progression of Duchenne Muscular dystrophy and to recover the lost  motor functions through the use of those medicines capable of regulating the function of the cannabinoids produced by the organism itself.

“Together with our researchers we’ve been committed to study the ever growing number of molecules composing the system of endocannabinoids, receptors and the associated enzymes, from a chemical-structural and functional point of view – Di Marzio explained in the press release  published by the CNR (ndt National Research Council) – in many cases our studies demonstrated how the alterations of this system are related to various neurological pathologies like senile dementia, epilepsy, acute and chronic pain, and to different forms of tumours.

For some of these, little or not at all treatable from a clinical point of view, medical drugs acting, amongst others, by regulating the function of endocannabinoids, are having a positive impact”.

Why do people take CBD?

Ever more individuals are appreciating the characteristics of cannabidiol due to its versatility and uses. CBD, taken in different concentrations, can support the most various requirements.

According to a study realised in 2015 and published in “Neurotherapeutics”, CBD could be an excellent ally in contrasting anxiety states, or in cases with dermatitis or psoriasis, as told in a testimony published by Enecta.

CBD shows to be effective in more severe pathologies as well, like for example in children affected by drug-resistant epilepsy.

In the occasion of the World Epilepsy Day we discussed the argument with doctor Pasquale Striano, doctor in Paediatric Neurology and Muscle Disorders at the ”G. Gaslini” in Genoa.

This argument is related to the main topic of today’s article, in which we desire to talk to you about the different forms in which CBD can be found, and which you can further explore in various articles of our blog:


The effects of cannabidiol

CBD and migraine

CBD and Psoriasis

CBD and chronic pain

Insomnia and CBD

Alzheimer’s Disease and CBD


In which forms can one find and take CBD?

Nowadays it is possible to find CBD on the market in various forms. Hemp seed oil, with different concentrations of CBD, is one of the products you can most frequently find if you intend to purchase on the web.

Enecta proposes the line Premium Hemp Extract on the market with concentrations of 3%, 10% and 24% with the objective to respond to the different requirements of the consumers.

The most used alternative to oil are CBD Crystals, which represent the molecule in its purest form, in a percentage of 99%.

How is such a pure product obtained?

Parting from the cultivation of Cannabis Sativa L. plants, biomass is obtained, which is shred, and, subsequently, passed through an extraction site.

The extraction site produces an extract from which THC is removed through separation and this extract, in turn, is monitored in order to asses both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the cannabinoids as well as their microbiological characteristics.

Once the threshold of 80% purity of the CBD in the extract has been bridged, the extract starts to solidify or, to use a specific term, to crystallise. Only in this phase the first crystals can be detected in the extract.

The refining process continues until anything which isn’t pure cannabidiol, is eliminated and a final 99% pure extract is obtained: in practice, when the crystals appear we have a pure molecule of cannabidiol (CBD).

When we vaporise a quantity of Crystals as small as a grain of rice, we will perceive the effects of cbd almost immediately. Crystals can be consumed in cooking as well, in our food, however, changing the way of consumption, we will not have this same perception.

Cannabidiol can also be taken in Capsules, a practical and precise way with which one can, for example, avoid “wastage” which could occur when taking the oil in loose drops, and with which one can understand exactly how much CBD he/she has taken.  

One of the advantages of the capsule is in fact that the quantity of CBD is standard for each capsule, allowing to monitor exactly how much CBD has been taken.

Differently from loose oil, the capsule cannot be taken by the sublingual route, way of intake which makes the bioavailability of a substance always higher as it is absorbed directly in the systemic circulation, but exclusively by oral ingestion.

Element of strength of this kind of product is the reduction of “wastage” and “overdosing”, as well as the convenience and the ease of use. 

Dripping and leaking of the contents are avoided, so no loss of CBD from the contents. With respect to a dropper bottle, capsules are easily used by anybody, also by those with problems related to sight or those with an unsteady hand.  

Another element of advantage of the capsules is that they are very practical and handy in case of trips or travelling.

Lastly, it is also possible to find e-liquids with CBD, without nicotine.

In this context Enecta is present on the market with Ambrosia, an e-liquid with different cannabidiol concentrations; an alternative way to take the cannabis extract.

If I’d want to try it, which is the easiest way to purchase it?

If you desire to try CBD products, the easiest way certainly is to visit our web portal, in the shop section you can find all the CBD products, addressing the various requirements of the consumers.  

And to know more about it, visit our Blog, on which you can find specific contents on the fields of application of cannabidiol.


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10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

10% CBD Oil

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24% CBD oil (2400mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

24% CBD oil

Certified organic hemp extract

3% CBD Oil (300mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

3% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

CBNight FORMULA Classic - 30 ml

CBNight FORMULA Classic - 30 ml

To restore the natural sleep-wake cycle.

CBNight FORMULA PLUS - 30 ml

CBNight FORMULA PLUS - 30 ml

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Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml

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Full spectrum CBD oil 30 % - 10 ml

Full spectrum CBD oil 30 % - 10 ml

CBD 30% full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml

Full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes.
