If you are living a generalized situation of stress, CBD can be of aid.

Sexual dysfunctions and stress: can CBD help?

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It isn’t at all unusual in the life of a man to have problems related to sexuality. Erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunctions in their various declinations, affect many man; often the causes can be linked to reasons of social, cultural and above all psychological nature.

According to statistics it’s a condition which in Italy affects 13% of the male population, most common to arise in the ages between 45 and 50, even though it can come up at any age. 

The medical team of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan has analyzed the main causes of risk linked to sexual dysfunctions.

- Old age, from 50 years onwards, but can occur at any age.
- Arterial hypertension.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Cardiovascular health issues.
- Excessive cholesterol and fat in the blood.
- Cigarette smoke.
- Abuse of food and alcoholic substances.
- Excess body weight, up to obesity.
- Lack of physical exercise.
- Physical trauma caused, for example, by a road accident or an accident at work.
- Intake of prescription drugs used for other health issues.

Causes of sexual dysfunction: stress and anxiety

When we talk about sexual dysfunction, the main disorders treated are related to: ejaculation dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, lower sex drive, penile curvatures. Often one of the causes of erectile dysfunction is of psychological nature.

In stressed and depressed individuals the testosterone levels are lower, as they could have low self-esteem resulting in lack of sexual desire.

Causes of sexual dysfunction: alcohol abuse

Sometimes consuming alcohol can generate increased desire and have disinhibiting effects, however, drinking alcohol diminishes the testosterone level in the blood, which provokes a reduction of the sex drive and hence a greater possibility to have of erectile dysfunction problems.

Causes of sexual dysfunction: prescription drug abuse

The overuse of prescription drugs to fight erectile dysfunction could have negative consequences on the organism. Side effects, involving the nervous, cardio-circulatory and digestive systems could arise, without being able to find an adequate solution to our problem.

Erectile dysfunction: the role of fruit and vegetables

In a research study conducted by researchers of the Department of Nutrition of the Norwich University, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the relationship between the consumption of flavonoids, contained in fruit and vegetables and the capacity to positively affect erectile dysfunction has been analyzed. 

The participants were monitored in 2000, 2004 and 2008, every 4 years, and in the course of these years 35.6% of the individuals presented a variation in the erectile dysfunction.

In the dietary habits of these individuals the main flavonoids we can find in foods, like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, melons, citrus fruits, apricots, pomegranates, apples, red wine, green tea, vegetables (among which onions, cabbages, fennels, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes) as well as propolis, Centella Asiatica, buckwheat, chocolate.

The capability of these elements to contrast the erectile dysfunction is due to their anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory characteristics.

This last aspect, in particular, manifests itself through the increased release of nitric oxides, which is none other than the essential element for the erection of the penis. Thus, according to this study, fruit and vegetables are very important in preventing and improving erectile dysfunction.

Does CBD cure erectile dysfunction?

As we’ve already mentioned however, often erectile dysfunctions haves causes of psychological nature, like anxiety and stress states.

If you are going through a generalized stress situation, which provokes erectile dysfunction in you, CBD could help you to recover the right balance!

Various scientific studies, in fact, demonstrate how Cannabidiol can contrast anxiety states and states of severe stress, due to its anxiolytic properties.  

In the study ten patients have been analyzed, whose regional cerebral blood flow, at rest, was measured two times. In the first session, an oral dose of CBD (400mg) or a placebo was administered. In the second session, the same procedure was executed, using the drug which wasn’t used in the previous session. With respect to the placebo solution, CBD has been associated with significantly reduced subjective anxiety.  


If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction issues, you could try CBD Oil, if they are linked to some of the causes mentioned in this article, however, it’s important to consult an andrologist, who will be able to investigate on the causes of your problem in a precise and specific manner.


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