Hemp oil CBD

CBD hemp oil is the most popular way to consume CBD. At enecta you can buy sustainable hemp oil in premium quality and enjoy the benefits of this natural product.

We offer our CBD hemp oil at a fair price! You can purchase the 10 ml bottle with 10% pure CBD for as little as €31.95. Place your order and receive your products with no shipping costs.

9 products

3% CBD Oil (300mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

3% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

10% CBD Oil (1000mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

10% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

10% CBD Oil

10% CBD Oil

Certified organic hemp extract

24% CBD oil (2400mg) - 10ml - Enecta.en

24% CBD oil

Certified organic hemp extract

24% CBD oil

24% CBD oil

Certified organic hemp extract

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 5% - 10 ml

Full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 15% - 10 ml

Full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes.

Full spectrum CBD oil 30 % - 10 ml

Full spectrum CBD oil 30 % - 10 ml

CBD 30% full-spectrum CBD oil with terpenes

C 300 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 300 Cbd Oil

Soothing CBD oil with 300 mg of CBD.

C 1000 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 1000 Cbd Oil

Soothing oil with 1000 mg CBD.

C 1000 Cbd Oil

C 1000 Cbd Oil

Soothing oil with 1000 mg CBD.

C 2400 Cbd Oil-Enecta.en

C 2400 Cbd Oil

Soothing CBD oil with 2400 mg CBD.

Table of contents

What is CBD hemp oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active ingredient found in hemp plants. Together with cannabis - which, unlike hemp, has a high THC content - they belong to the plant family Cannabaceae. Modern technology makes it possible to extract various molecules produced by hemp: the phytocannabinoids.

At present, we know more than 100 phytocannabinoids, with THC and CBD probably being the most famous among them. Cannabidiol has been known since the1940s and is now used in various medical fields. Unlike THC, it has no intoxicating effects.

Accordingly, CBD hemp oil, capsules, and cosmetics are legal in the UK, the USA, and all EU countries. As long as you don’t use synthetic additives during the manufacturing process, CBD hemp oil is also a truly organic product.

Effect of CBD hemp oil

Cannabinoids are mainly responsible for the effect of CBD hemp oil – especially the eponymous cannabidiol. Generally speaking, cannabinoids are organic compounds that occur in three different forms:

  • Natural cannabinoids (e.g., cannabidiol or CBD, CBN, CBG or THC)
  • Endogenous cannabinoids
  • Synthetic cannabinoids

Endogenous cannabinoids are naturally produced by the human body. Accordingly, everyone is endowed with cannabinoids. Synthetic cannabinoids are produced artificially through complicated chemical processes.

Once CBD is absorbed by the organism, it communicates with specific receptors, helping to feel calmer and more relaxed. Scientists have only recently discovered that humans have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) consisting of many cannabinoid receptors distributed throughout the body.

An imbalance in the ECS, which is a complex system and therefore prone to disruption, can negatively affect your health. CBD hemp oil and CBD capsules offer the opportunity to restore this balance. Natural cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, or CBN interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Cannabinoids are messenger substances that exchange information with the receptors, causing particular reactions.

Cannabinoid receptors in the body Effect of CBD
Heart Heart rate and cell protection are positively influenced
Skin CBD heals inflammation and relieves pain
Immune system Hemp oil has an anti-inflammatory effect
Bones CBD promotes bone growth
Brain CBD helps against anxiety, depression, vomiting and nausea
Intestine Hemp oil promotes intestinal health
Liver Hemp oil CBD offers cell protection

Uses of CBD hemp oil

CBD is a very well-tolerated and extremely versatile active ingredient. Through the previously described interaction with the ECS, it regulates numerous critical bodily functions and is, therefore, suitable for many different uses.

Here we have listed the five most common ones:

1. Pain relief: CBD hemp oil can help relieve acute and chronic pain, particularly when it contains more than 20% CBD. It offers support in the case of:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Vulvodynia
  • Migraine
  • PMS
  • Endometriosis
  • Inflammatory pain

2. Anxiety and stress: On the one hand, cannabidiol can brighten the mood and fend off everyday stress as well as panic attacks. On the other hand, it is an alternative to conventional anxiolytics, which can be accompanied by (sometimes relevant) adverse effects and are not infrequently addictive.

3. Sleep disorders: CBD can also improve sleep quality in the long term, especially when used with other compounds that promote solid sleep: CBN and melatonin, for example.

4. Skincare: CBD is also considered a potent antioxidant and is used to produce many different skincare products. It can promote skin regeneration, reduce inflammation, and regulate sebum production. As a result, cannabidiol can be part of any skincare routine and also offer support in case of various skin conditions including acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

5. Nicotine withdrawal: Researchers have shown that CBD can help to quit smoking. Furthermore, cannabidiol is believed to boost the immune system and protect neuronal cells

Benefits of CBD hemp oil

Cannabidiol is available in a variety of forms: capsules, creams, E-liquids, hashish, buds, and, of course, CBD hemp oil.

The latter offers numerous advantages:

  • Individual dosage
  • Fast effect
  • Available in many different strengths
  • Can be added to beverages and food
  • Discreet to take
  • Suitable for topical application

How to take CBD hemp oil

There are several ways to consume CBD hemp oil. The most practical one is the sublingual administration. To do so, you put the drops directly under your tongue and hold them there for about two minutes. The advantage: part of the cannabinoids (e.g. CBD and CBG) can already be absorbed by the oral mucosa. All the remaining active ingredients are assimilated by the digestive system.

Taking CBD drops is very easy, and you can do it everywhere. Most consumers describe the taste of the brownish hemp oil as unusual but never unpleasant.

To get the most out of your CBD drops, we recommend taking them orally, following the steps below:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror, especially in the beginning. This is the best way to determine the number of drops that land in your mouth.

  2. Lean your head back slightly, open your mouth, and place the dropper under your lifted tongue. You might find it easier if you press your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

  3. Apply slight pressure on the dropper cap and the CBD hemp oil will trickle out.

  4. When you reach the desired number of drops, screw the dropper back on the bottle.

  5. Keep the CBD hemp oil under your tongue for at least one minute to achieve the best effect possible. Ideally, you shouldn’t smoke, drink or eat anything for at least 5 minutes after ingestion.

  6. Swallow the rest of the hemp oil. The body will absorb the remaining cannabinoids through the gastrointestinal tract.

Hemp oil dosage

It is difficult to determine the optimal dosage of CBD oils. Need and tolerance are different for each person, as well as the absorption rate and absorption speed of CBD. Therefore, we generally recommend trying it out carefully and slowly feeling your way. Too low a dosage is certainly not harmful. If the desired effect fails to appear, increase the hemp oil dosage by a few drops.

Some factors and guidelines can help you determine an optimal dosage:

Body weight: the higher the weight, the more CBD hemp oil the body can tolerate.

Body characteristics: How does your body react to the hemp oil?

Need: What ailments do you want to fend off? And how severe are the symptoms?

The factors mentioned above influence the dosage of CBD drops. To give you a more accurate guideline, we have prepared the following table:

  Normal CBD hemp oil dosage High CBD hemp oil dosage Very high CBD hemp oil dosage
CBD in mg 1 - 20 mg per day 21 - 120 mg per day > 350 mg 
Complaints / symptoms Sleep disorders, stress, vomiting Anxiety, depression, headaches, inflammation Chronic pain, epilepsy or MS

In practical application hemp oil is often used too generously. Even if there is no risk of overdose, it is recommended to be careful with hemp oil: It is too precious to take unnecessarily high doses. Try the oil and carefully feel your way to an optimal feel-good dose. For most beginners, 1 to 4 drops are enough to feel a positive effect. Nice side effect: If you consume less, you also have to buy significantly less CBD hemp oil.

How to calculate the right dosage for hemp oil:

To use hemp oil correctly, you need to know the CBD content per drop. Often, you find this information on the package. If the information is missing, you can calculate the amount yourself with a few math tricks.

These indications are to be found on every CBD product:

  • Volume of the CBD bottle in ml
  • CBD percentage

1st calculation step:

First, calculate the total amount of CBD in the bottle.

CBD percentage * content in ml * 1000 = total amount of CBD in the hemp oil.

10% * 12 ml * 1000 = 1200 mg CBD in the total hemp oil (at 12 ml and 10%).

2nd calculation step:

A bottle of hemp oil with 10 ml CBD contains between 230 and 250 drops. With this knowledge, you can calculate the amount of CBD in one drop quite accurately:

Content (total amount) CBD / drops in the bottle = CBD per drop.

Because we have more than 10 ml in the hemp oil, it requires a little calculation detour:

250 drops * 1.2 (because it contains 20% more oil) = 300 drops per hemp oil bottle.

1,200 mg CBD / 300 drops = 4 mg CBD / drops.

3rd result:

If you stop for a moment, you realize that you don't need to be a mathematician to understand the calculation. This is the only way to measure the desired dosage without any other information.

The calculation shows that we have a CBD hemp oil with 4 mg of CBD per drop. So, if you want to use CBD to keep insomnia at bay, take between 1 and 20 mg of CBD according to the guideline table.

If you intend to take 20 mg, you need to do following calculation:

Total amount of CBD / CBD per drop = Required drops for the desired dosage.

20 mg / 4 mg / drops = 5 drops

Now you know how to calculate the correct hemp oil dose on your own.

Side effects of CBD hemp oil

Cannabidiol is a natural active ingredient that is considered safe and exceptionally well tolerated. However, depending on various factors such as dosage, tolerance, and speed of absorption, it can cause the following side effects:

Drowsiness, especially when taken at a high dosage: Those who consume a lot of CBD should therefore avoid getting behind the wheel.

Dry mouth: This is a very annoying side effect that can also lead to bad breath. A tip: Drink a lot.

Low blood pressure: Especially in high doses, CBD can lower blood pressure, which in turn affects energy levels. Those who have low blood pressure and want to take CBD should therefore keep an eye on their blood pressure levels.

Gastrointestinal symptoms: CBD can also help with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. However, especially in the beginning, it might cause abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhoea.

Researchers assume, however, that in these cases the body just needs some time to get used to it.

What else is important:

  • If you are taking medication, you should seek medical advice before using CBD products.
  • Avoid using CBD products during pregnancy and breastfeeding

What should i look for when buying CBD hemp oil?

First of all, you should decide whether you want a full-spectrum hemp oil or an isolate. In both cases, the question of quality plays a decisive role.

Before purchasing CBD, oil it is best to ask yourself the following questions:

  • From which hemp plants was the CBD hemp oil extracted?
  • Does the oil undergo quality tests regularly?
  • Is the hemp oil composed exclusively of natural ingredients?

At enecta, we focus on valuable ingredients and high quality. Accordingly, we regularly test our CBD products in independent laboratories. The raw material contained in our hemp oil CBD comes exclusively from our organically grown fields in Italy.

If you need further information, our customer service is always there for you and will answer all your questions about our product range.

You are not yet sure whether you prefer CBD capsules or CBD hemp oil? Our customer service will be happy to advise you.

Ingredients of CBD hemp oil

Hemp oil is a gift of nature and as such extremely popular among consumers. As far as ingredients and quality are concerned, there are some differences from manufacturer to manufacturer. For our products, we exclusively use the power of Mother Nature.

Our premium hemp oil contains the following ingredients:

  • Cold-pressed hemp seed oil
  • Terpenes
  • Vitamins
  • Natural CBD or hemp molecules (cannabinoids)

CBD hemp oil is usually taken in drops. The advantages of CBD drops are obvious: you can easily take them using a dropper. In addition, the oil can be dosed individually.

Further advantages: Hemp oil CBD is 100% legal and can be both purchased and consumed. Furthermore, CBD has a high bioavailability, which ensures that the body absorbs it very well.

How to determine the quality of CBD hemp oil

High quality is our standard for all CBD products. If you don’t use enough active ingredients or poorly process the hemp plants – allowing impurities to contaminate the product – you can be sure that the desired effect will fail to materialize. And that's not all: depending on the product, such impurities can also lead to unpleasant side effects.

Regular controls and the pure passion we put in the entire cultivation and production process allow us to offer you a high-quality product. We grow the hemp from which your oil is made in Italy. Our hemp oils are 100% a result of our work. With us, you don't have to rely solely on our word. We have our products additionally analysed and tested by a certified external and independent laboratory. This way, you can be sure that you are purchasing an absolutely high-quality product.

How is CBD hemp oil made?

The most important ingredient for the production of CBD hemp oil is the hemp plant, since it contains the valuable cannabinoids that end up in your oil. We only use Eu registered hemp strains.

During processing the extract can be refined further and further. At a CBD concentration of 80 %, it begins to crystallise. As a result, you can produce CBD crystals with a purity of 99%.

Of course, we would like to recommend our hemp oil. We accompany our hemp on a long journey: from planting the seeds to harvesting the buds and extracting the active ingredients. All enecta CBD hemp oils are 100% the result of independent work and passion. We guarantee an absolutely pure and natural oil. Because your body deserves only the best from nature!

CBD hemp oil reviews

More and more people are using CBD hemp oil to improve their well-being and get support in the case of various disorders. Accordingly, the testimonials are piling up. Anyone who looks at them will notice that CBD basically fulfils expectations.

Whether for acute and chronic pain, anxiety, stress, insomnia or even depression, people use CBD and are satisfied. Two of the most frequently mentioned
advantages: hardly any side effects and no dependence.

Legal status of CBD hemp oil

Hemp products containing THC tend to be available only with a prescription. And what about CBD hemp oil, CBD capsules, and CBD cosmetics? As of 2023, CBD can be legally sold and purchased in the US, the UK, and all EU countries (although is some of them you’ll need a prescription). Accordingly, you can find hemp oils in drugstores, pharmacies or in our online shop.

However, manufacturers must comply with some regulations:

  • The THC content must be below 0.2%.
  • Whoever buys must be at least 18 years old
  • The hemp oil must not be declared as medicine or food.

At enecta, we adhere to all regulations. If you are of age, you can legally buy valuable CBD hemp oil and many other CBD products in our shop. Legally, you are on the safe side with us!

CBD Hemp Oil FAQ - Questions and answers on the topic

Cannabis, buds, hemp, THC, and CBD: Many myths and half-truths circulate around the hemp plant & co. Most people are not really aware of how CBD works. Again and again, we are asked a lot of questions about CBD, which we would like to answer in this

If your question is not included, our customer service will be happy to help you.

CBD's interaction with the endocannabinoid system can reduce pain perception. The endocannabinoid system is a special part of the human nervous system. Researchers assume that almost all mammals (e.g. dogs, cats or rabbits) have an endocannabinoid system.

This allows the cannabinoids to bind to various endogenous receptors ensuring that some areas in the body are stimulated by neurologically valuable mechanisms. Thanks to this neurological stimulation, pain is felt less intensely.

Those who buy hemp oil with a high CBD content have to take fewer drops to reach the desired dosage. Especially with medium or high dosages, this helps to balance the budget. However, it is not advisable to buy hemp oil with a high CBD content and waste valuable ingredients with extremely high dosages.

This approach is on the one hand very expensive and on the other hand, it doesn’t necessarily imply a stronger effect. Once you have found your perfect dosage, you will know which CBD content is right for you.

Ideally, the hemp oil is placed under the tongue. This guarantees rapid absorption and is also extremely practical. You can also add the oil to drinks and food or apply it directly to the skin.

Scientists have found that animals also have their own endocannabinoid system. It is assumed that this applies to all mammals. Accordingly, all known farm animals and pets such as dogs, horses, cats, or cows also have an endocannabinoid system. Many study results and field reports indicate that CBD is beneficial to animals and can have an anti-inflammatory, and calming effect on them as well.

Dog owners use CBD oil to calm their four-legged friends, to relieve their anxiety, or to support them in the case of pain. Since it is a natural product that is not psychoactive, hemp oil has virtually no side effects on pets.

CBD hemp oil consists of pure cannabidiol (CBD) mixed with a carrier oil, usually hemp seed oil. This is how the power of CBD is combined with the beneficial active ingredients of the hemp plant.

As a growing number of studies highlight, CBD has huge medical potential.

Accordingly, it can:

  • Relieve headaches, joint pain, and period pain
  • Keep anxiety and stress at bay
  • Offer support in the case of chronic pain
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Enhance concentration
  • Contribute to the regeneration of skin and nerve cells

However, it is important to note that there is still a great need for research, and studies with large samples are particularly necessary.