Amazing! CBD can lower blood pressure.

Research is focusing increasingly on cannabidiol (CBD). By now there are even studies that investigate how CBD can be used for high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a widespread disease in the Western world. Young people tend to underestimate it, and this can lead to serious health consequences in a relatively short time.

How can CBD help against high blood pressure, or how does cannabidiol affect blood vessels? We'll answer these and many more questions in the sections below.

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Table of Contents

Definition of high blood pressure

Blood pressure is determined by two factors. The force with which the heart pumps the blood throughout the body and the resistance of the blood vessels through which it flows. Therefore, a certain amount of pressure is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the circulatory system.

When there is too much pressure, we speak of hypertension, a condition that often takes a long time to manifest itself. The consequences, however, can be severe and include heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. There are two types of hypertension: primary and secondary.

Primary hypertension accounts for about 85% of all cases and is associated with factors such as obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet, and stress. Secondary hypertension, on the other hand, is linked to an underlying condition.

Causes of high blood pressure

Blood pressure tends to increase with age. But hypertension does not arise exclusively in a natural way. Scientists and physicians largely agree on the cause of high blood pressure: hereditary factors, age, dietary habits, and lifestyle are the decisive factors for hypertension.

An unhealthy diet and the resulting overweight as well as excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, and stress, are mainly responsible for high blood pressure. When the blood flows through the vessels, it exerts pressure on their walls and can also deposit fat and calcium.

This results in vasoconstriction: the blood vessels narrow, and the organs receive less oxygen and nutrients. This increases the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and suffering a stroke or heart attack.

High blood pressure symptoms

Especially in the initial phase, high blood pressure often causes no symptoms. The best way to detect it at an early stage is to measure your blood pressure regularly.

But there are also signs that you should never ignore:

  • Morning headaches (often in the back of the head)
  • Nosebleed
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Weakness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

High blood pressure can also lead to chest pain, eye disorders, and shortness of breath.

High blood pressure diagnosis

To diagnose hypertension, you must monitor blood pressure over several weeks. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Hypertension is diagnosed when:

  • the systolic (upper) blood pressure equals or exceeds 140 mmHg.
  • the diastolic (lower) blood pressure equals 90 mmHg or more.

Upper blood pressure is measured when the heart contracts to pump blood out. Lower blood pressure is measured when the heart relaxes and fills its chambers with blood.

CBD for high blood pressure

High blood pressure can significantly harm your health, causing heart attacks and strokes. CBD alone can neither prevent high blood pressure nor the resulting diseases. Generally, a healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent hypertension.

If you want to do something good for your body, you can take CBD as a complementary remedy to reduce the use of medication later on. We all have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that has beneficial effects on physiological functions. Cannabinoids interact with the body's CB1 and CB2 receptors the ECS consist of and is, therefore, believed to have positive effects on insomnia, pain, and other disorders.

Overall, CBD can have a calming and soothing effect. Many users take CBD oil to sleep better, relieve stress, and relax. It, therefore, appears evident that CBD can also lower blood pressure favoring relaxation.

In addition, high-quality CBD oil contains many vitamins and minerals and can thus contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system. But it is also high in fatty acids and beta-carotene, which can protect blood vessels thanks to their antioxidative properties.

Benefits of CBD for high blood pressure

CBD can positively influence blood pressure in many ways. On the one hand, this natural active ingredient could help to lower inflammation. This property can be highly beneficial, as inflammation has been shown to cause elevated blood pressure.

On the other hand, CBD is thought to help curb anxiety and stress, two of the biggest risk factors for hypertension. In addition, CBD can support healthy and restful sleep, which in turn can reduce stress.

Finally, CBD offers support for various types of pain, promoting a more athletic and healthy lifestyle.

Does CBD support healthy blood pressure?

CBD has already been tested on people with hypertension. Unfortunately, this study had an insufficient number of subjects and can't be considered representative. In another study conducted at the University of Nottingham, researchers administered a very high amount of CBD (600 mg).

Subsequently, the test persons performed a cardiac stress test at low temperatures. The blood pressure measured was significantly lower both during the resting phase and the stress test. People who live an unhealthy lifestyle have an increased risk of developing hypertension.

Strokes, heart attacks, or other vascular diseases are often the result. To tackle hypertension, it is crucial to manage inflammation and thus prevent arterial calcification. Are you taking medication for high blood pressure?

CBD oil can probably be an excellent supplement to prevent hypertension or relieve its symptoms.

CBD for high blood pressure dosage

Anyone who wants to take CBD should always start with a low dosage and slowly increase it. Keep in mind that there is no danger of overdosing on CBD. Nevertheless, it is not possible to make general statements about the optimal dosage because each person reacts differently to this natural compound.

The dosage of CBD depends on the following factors:

Body size and weight: The taller and heavier the person, the more CBD is needed.

Usage: Those who take CBD for severe pain or want to tackle anxiety disorders should choose a higher dosage.

Experience: Each person must get to know cannabidiol and, especially in the beginning, should observe closely how their body reacts to this active ingredient.

Metabolism: Every person reacts differently to CBD. Feel your way carefully.

Side effects of CBD for high blood presure

CBD oil is a natural active ingredient and is very well-tolerated. It is not entirely free of side effects, but it seldom happens that people do not tolerate it. Serious, severe, or even life-threatening side effects are not known to date. CBD is often used for inflammation, pain, or sleep disorders.

Compared to conventional medicines and their long list of side effects, CBD can be considered a safe remedy for the described complaints. CBD might have the following side effects: CBD can lower blood pressure, which is not necessarily an adverse effect. Many users report a dry mouth after taking CBD.

CBD consumption can decrease appetite.
CBD can make you drowsy.


Testimonials and studies on CBD for high blood pressure

Although research is not yet conclusive, CBD is believed to widen blood vessels, positively influencing blood pressure. This probably happens because CBD supports the body's anti-inflammatory response, contributing to keeping the blood vessel's walls free from calcium and fat and ensuring that the blood flows better.

Studies also found that the ECS is involved in regulating the sleep-wake rhythm. Accordingly, CBD might contribute to better sleep, thus reducing one crucial risk factor for hypertension. For example, many users report that cannabidiol triggers a stress-relieving effect, providing more peace and relaxation in everyday life.

Frequently asked questions about CBD for high blood pressure

Clinical research on CBD for blood pressure is still in its infancy. Although many researchers already deal with the mechanism of action of cannabidiol, there are still questions to be answered, and we can expect more findings in the near future.

In this section, we will address some questions about CBD for high blood pressure. In this section, we will address some questions about how it works against high blood pressure.

Is your question not included? Do you need more information? Please feel free to get in touch with our customer service. We are always happy to help you.

CBD comes from the hemp plant and is, therefore, a natural extract. Even extremely high dosages do not harm the human body in any way. Nevertheless, there are some users who had negative experiences and reported fatigue, insomnia, diarrhea, or dizziness after taking CBD.

Usually, CBD does not trigger such symptoms. More often than not, they are the result of an excessive dosage or an interaction with a medicine. If you take medication for hypertension, we recommend being cautious and discussing the matter with your doctor to prevent adverse effects.

On the one hand, high blood pressure is caused by ageing and is, therefore, partly a natural process. On the other hand, the way life goes in Western societies significantly contributes to the diffusion of high blood pressure. Many suffer from obesity, consume a lot of alcohol, or eat unhealthily.

Lack of physical exercise and numerous stress factors are also factors that shouldn't be underestimated. High blood pressure can also be determined by genetic predisposition. That said, people who live a healthy life, do a lot of sports, and, above all, eat a balanced diet have a significantly lower risk of developing high blood pressure.

Since CBD is considered to have very few side effects and to be very well tolerated, there is nothing to be said against taking it as a supplement to your blood pressure medication.

However, this should only be done after consultation with your doctor in order to prevent undesirable interactions.

CBD is known for its ability to calm, relax, and reduce fatigue and stress. It only appears logical that it also helps to lower blood pressure.

However, CBD is not (yet) considered an alternative to conventional beta blockers. It remains to be seen what insights science will give us in the coming months and years.

CBD interacts with the body's own CB1 and CB2 receptors and might thus trigger analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and relaxing effects. Therefore, it is believed to positively influence blood pressure, ensuring, among other things, that less calcium and fat end up in the circulatory system.

This, in turn, widens the blood vessels and allows the blood to flow undisturbed, lowering blood pressure. Many also consume CBD to manage persistent sleep disorders. Here, too, the reported calming effects possibly contribute to lowering blood pressure, favoring a good night's sleep.

The time it takes for a consumer to begin enjoying the beneficial properties of CBD varies from person to person and depends on individual circumstances.

However, it is assumed that CBD works best when taken regularly over an extended period of time.